SMART Grid Simulation and Testing

SMART Grid Simulation and Testing

By combining Regatron's DC power supplies with a grid simulator, a complete model of a Smart Grid can be built up. Thus, intensive studies on the dynamic behaviour of grids are made possible.
Within such a system, Regatron's unidirectional DC power sources take over the role of “additive” energy sources like wind-, solar-, hydro- and biological power generators as also of fuel cells and so on. Regatron's bidirectional DC power supplies are best suited for the role of electrical power storage elements as also as simulators for power consumption.
As a third element, the grid tied path may be equipped with TC.ACS 4-quadrant Grid Simulator, which is able to simulate various public grid situations up to the ultimate situation of a so-called “Islanding Situation”.

Relevant industry/education sectors:

  • Technical universities
  • Electrical energy providers
  • National and international electrical engineering R+D
  • “Additive energy” R+D institutes
  • Specialized electrical system manufacturers